
Neutrino Oscillations

Colloquium from Nobel prize winner Prof. Takaaki Kajita to celebrate our 120th year.

Colloquium from Nobel prize winner Prof. Takaaki Kajita

We were honoured that Nobel prize winner Prof. Takaaki Kajita could deliver a special colloquium to celebrate the 120th anniversary of our university. The seminar was broadcast online and watched live by over 3,500 people.

Precision effective number of neutrinos $N_\textrm{eff}$

Many beyond-Standard-Model theories predict light and feebly interacting states that can be efficiently produced in the early universe. From the cosmological perspective, these states behave like Standard-Model neutrinos and can impact on a variety …

Searching for new physics in neutrino-quark interactions

The neutrino sector is currently not well constrained and may be hiding new physics beyond neutrino masses. In this talk I will consider a model-independent approach using effective field theory and discuss different ways to probe interactions …