Theory Seminar

Roadmap of Particle Physics in the Next Decade

With the milestone discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, high energy physics has entered a new era. The completion of the "Standard Model" (SM) implies that we have a relativistic, quantum-mechanical, self-consistent theoretical framework, …

A neutrino floor for the Migdal effect

Neutrino-nucleus scatterings in the detector could induce electron ionization signatures due to the Migdal effect. We derive prospects for a future detection of the Migdal effect via coherent elastic solar neutrino-nucleus scatterings in liquid xenon …

Wave dark matter

We will discuss the possibility that dark matter is composed of sufficiently light particles that it effectively behaves as a collection of waves. We will review the particle physics motivations and the rich wave phenomenology, and discuss the …

Scouting for Light Dark Showers at the LHC

As the LHC physics program continues, the search for physics beyond the Standard Model is now pushing into ever more challenging regimes: in particular, into final states that are low mass, long lifetime, and/or high multiplicity. Confining hidden …

Baryogenesis from extended scalar sectors: off the beaten track

Extended scalar sectors can yield baryogenesis at the EW scale. This is generally related to their providing the needed departure from thermal equilibrium (absent in the SM) via a first-order EW phase transition. Yet, BSM sources of CP violation are …

Leptogenesis and Gravity Waves from a SUSY-breaking Phase Transition

It has been shown that supersymmetry breaking in a hidden sector at the PeV scale can lead to adistinctive strong first order phase transition, producing gravity waves that could be observed in upcoming experiments. We develop this idea, proposing a …

Light mediator models for the dark sector

In this talk, I will first discuss the low mass mediator models with specific examples. These models contain new particles, e.g. light mediators, dark matter candidates, etc. I will discuss various ways of detecting these models in the …

Dark matter in compact stars and galactic structure

Dark matter that accumulates in compact stars can have a number of observable effects, including thermal emission from the surface of neutron stars, converting neutron stars into black holes, and causing white dwarfs to explode. After reviewing these …

Fluctuations of ultralight dark matter

Ultralight dark matter is a compelling dark matter candidate. Being wavelike, it has interesting phenomenological implications in the early and late universe. Recent simulations have shown that ultralight dark matter exhibits an order-one density …

Journey with Sourced Millicharged Particles and Dark Photons

Hidden $U(1)$ symmetries are widely prevalent across numerous new physics models and have garnered significant attention. These symmetries give rise to intriguing testable phenomena, such as "dark photons" as the force mediators and "millicharged" …